Power CD-ROM!! 8
Power CD-ROM 8.iso
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Assembly Source File
404 lines
; PROGRAM Use!UMBs.sys - UMB manager for PC/XT/ATs
; PURPOSE This program creates a device driver that will handle
; calls for Upper Memory Blocks. In doing so, it gives
; you the possibility to save conventional memory by
; storing device drivers and resident programs in the
; UMBs and hence save conventional memory.
; REQUIRES It will work on any PC/XT/AT or higher, either with or
; without extended memory. What you obviously *must* have
; are UMBs, and MS-DOS Version 5.0.
; AUTHOR Marco van Zwetselaar Phone: **-31-30-313128
; Oorsprongpark 5 FidoNet: Marco van.Zwetselaar
; 3581 ES Utrecht NetMail 2:281/701
; The Netherlands Utrecht, 7 Nov 1991
; IMPORTANT NOTE to the programmer
; I am only a beginner in assembly language, and haven't found out
; as yet how to create a .com file. When you recompile this program,
; take care you do that as a com file, and then rename it to a .sys
; file.
; I used an alternative method that you may use as well: I compiled
; it to .exe format and then removed the first (half?) sector. In
; fact, the first bytes in the final file should be:
; FF FF FF FF 00 E0 ...
; which are the bytes that start at nextDev. (Almost any device
; driver file should start with the first two words being FFFF (-1)).
; This is the structure of the request header; not stored in file
rh segment at 0
org 02h
rh_cmd db ? ;command-code
rh_status dw ? ;return-code
org 0Eh
rh0_brk_ofs dw ? ;end of driver offset
rh0_brk_seg dw ? ;end of driver segment
rh ends
; The driverheader
org 0h
zwetsUMB segment public
assume cs:zwetsumb, es:rh, ds:nothing
; any device driver will start with the following info:
next_dev dd -1
attribute dw 0E000h
strategy dw strat
interrupt dw intr
dev_name db 'I_LOVE_M'
; Storage space for pointer to Request Header
hdrptr label word
dw ?,?
; Strategy: store pointer to Request Header:
strat proc far
mov [hdrptr],bx
mov [hdrptr]+2,es
strat endp
; Interrupt: The routine that fires the installrequest
intr proc far
push ax
push bx
push es
les bx, dword ptr [hdrptr] ;point es:bx to ReqHeader
mov [bx].rh0_brk_seg, cs ;and already return the seg
; Remember that the device will only answer the init-request
; which is called by dos as it installs the driver.
; Any later calls will be ignored - they are not needed anyway.
mov al, es:[bx].rh_cmd ;commandcode into al
or al, al ;is it 0 (=init)?
jnz other ; no => get off
jmp inst ; yes => install
other: cmp al, 10h ;is it legal call?
jbe short dos ; yes => "Sorry"
mov ax, 8003h ; no => "Unknown command"
jmp short exit
dos: xor ax, ax ;"Sorry - not implememented"
exit: or ax, 0100h ;Set done bit
mov es:[bx].rh_status, ax ;set return code
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
retf ; back to dos
intr endp
; Storage space for the addresses of free umb blocks
umb struc
start dw ?
len dw ?
umb ends
;you can add to the following list, as long as the last one is 0,0
free umb <0D000h, 1FFFh> ;my only block (at d000, length 1fff)
umb <0, 0> ;space for extra block
umb <0, 0> ;and another block
umb <0, 0> ;The end of the blocks is marked
; with 0,0 DON'T REMOVE THIS!!!!!
; This is the code for the actual UMB memory provider
umbreq proc near
push ds
push si
push cx
push bx
push cs
pop ds
mov si, offset free
xor cx, cx ;clear dx and use it to compare
xchg dx, cx ;to largest found as yet - cx=size
search: lodsw ;read startsegment into ax
or ax, ax ;is it 0
jz fini ; then buzz off
mov bx, ax ; otherwise store into bx
lodsw ;read length in ax
cmp bx, 0FFFFh ;is startsegm=ffff=given away
je search ; yes: then find next block
cmp dx, ax ; no: larger than largest upto now?
jae szchk ; no: check size
mov dx, ax ; yes: mark as largest
szchk: cmp cx, ax ;will it fit?
ja search ; no: search next
; YEAH! Found a block
mov [si-4], 0FFFFh ; mark as used
mov dx, ax ; put blocksize in dx
mov ax, 1 ;say Succes
pop cx ;still had bx on stack
jmp short return
fini: xor ax, ax ;no fitting UMB
or dx, dx ;is dx=0?, so largest found=0
jnz sizerr ; if not: problem with size
pop bx ; if yes: BH should stay intact
mov bl, 0B1h ; and BL signals: out of UMBs
jmp short return
sizerr: pop bx ;BH remains intact
mov bl, 0B0h ;BL signals: there are smaller ones
return: pop cx
pop si
pop ds
umbreq endp
; Storage space for old XMS-handler. The first byte stores WHETHER there
; was an XMS handler already (that didn't provide UMB services).
; The next two words specify its location.
isoldx db 00h
oldxms label word
dw ?,?
; This is the small XMS manager that we install. It will only react
; to requests for UMBs (so when AH=10h). If not, it *should* pass
; control to the existing XMS manager - provided there is one. Or
; otherwise inform the caller that there is no eXt memory.
assume es:nothing, ds:nothing
jmp short hookch ;MUST be a *short* jmp
nop ; The nops are there because
nop ; a himem handler always start
nop ; with 5 special bytes.
hookch: pushf
cmp ah, 10h ;is it a UMB request?
je umbreq ; yes: execute it
cmp [isoldx], 0h ; no: is there an XMS-handler?
jz Xreq1 ; no: give response like it
popf ; yes: jump to old handler
jmp dword ptr cs:[oldxms]
; Below is the code that will respond to non-UMB (and thus XMS-)
; requests when no XMS-manager is present. To nearly all requests
; (there are 11h) it will answer with AX=0000, meaning failure
; and BL=80, which gives the errormessage: not implemented.
; Only fns 00h and 08h are treated specially (as well as fn 10h, but
; that has been filtered out above - it's the UMB-request).
Xreq1: cmp ah, 0h ;req 00h = get XMS version
jnz Xreq2
mov bx, 0h ; ->internal revision nr=0
mov dx, 0h ; ->HMA not present
jmp short byebye
Xreq2: cmp ah, 08h ;req 08h = query extended mem
jnz Xreq3
mov dx, 0h ; ->0k extended memory
Xreq3: mov bl, 80h ; ->error: not implemented
byebye: mov ax, 00h ; ->failure (always the case)
; Storage space for old interrupt vector 2f
old2f label word
dw ?,?
; This is the code that is chained to the front of interrupt 2f.
; It will handle requests nrs. 4300 and 4310, and leave all others
; to the existing code.
handl: pushf
cmp ah, 43h ;is request for HIMEM?
jne not4me ; no: pass on
cmp al, 10h ; is request: where is handler?
jne mustbe ; if not, then must be al=00
mov bx, offset umbctrlr ; put handler's ofs in bx
push cs ; and its segment
pop es ; in es
jmp short getout
mustbe: mov al, 80h ;al <>10 so must be 00, so request
;is: is there handler? Yes => 80h
getout: popf
not4me: popf ;request wasn't for me
jmp dword ptr cs:[old2f] ;so give back to old handl
; The part that follows now will not remain resident. It will be
; executed only once: at the time the driver is installed by
; DOS' bootprocedures.
; This code takes care of (1) hooking our intercepting code to
; int 2f, (2) hooking our small XMS-manager to the already installed
; one - provided there is one, (3) and if not, installing the
; the response-robot that will inform callers that there's no eXt
; memory.
; Installation routine. Called once.
assume ds:zwetsUMB, es:rh
inst: push cx ;save em
push dx
push ds
push cs ;and set ds to cs
pop ds
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset hello1$ ;say welcome
int 21h
mov dx, offset empty$
int 21h
mov dx, offset hello2$
int 21h
mov dx, offset empty$
int 21h
mov dx, offset hello3$
int 21h
mov dx, offset hello4$
int 21h
mov dx, offset empty$
int 21h
mov dx, offset autho1$
int 21h
mov dx, offset autho2$
int 21h
mov dx, offset empty$
int 21h
mov ax, 4300h ;check if there is an XMShandler
int 2Fh ;already
cmp al, 080h ;is it there?
jne SetVec ; no: go further
mov [isoldx],01h ;signal yourself there is one
mov ax, 4310h ;get its address
int 2Fh
mov [oldxms], bx ;and store it
mov [oldxms+2], es
mov ah, 09h ;tell user
mov dx, offset found$
int 21h
mov dx, offset empty$
int 21h
mov ah, 10h ;check if it services UMBs by
mov dx, 0FFFFh ;trying to allocate FAR TOO much
call dword ptr [oldxms]
cmp bl, 80h ;error: not implemented?
jz SetVec ; then good - continue
mov ah, 09h ;otherwise: get off,
mov dx, offset oops$ ;you're not needed.
int 21h
les bx, dword ptr [hdrptr]
xor ax,ax
mov es:[bx].rh0_brk_ofs, ax
jmp short dexit
SetVec: mov ax, 352Fh ; get vector 2f
int 21h
mov [old2f], bx ;and store it
mov [old2f]+2, es
mov ax, 252Fh ;set it to our own
mov dx, offset handl
int 21h
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset instok$ ;say we did it
int 21h
mov ax, offset inst ;upto inst it should stay
les bx, dword ptr [hdrptr] ; resident, which we tell
mov es:[bx].rh0_brk_ofs, ax ; dos via the rqhdr.
xor ax,ax ;0 no errors
dexit: pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
jmp exit
hello1$ db 0Dh,0Ah,'╒══════════════╡ Use!UMBs ╞═════════════╕',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
empty$ db '│ │',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
hello2$ db '│ Upper Memory Block - Manager │',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
hello3$ db '│ Works on any PC/XT/AT, either with or │',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
hello4$ db '│ without Extended or Expanded Memory! │',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
found$ db '│ * found extended memory manager * │',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
autho1$ db '│ Author: Marco van Zwetselaar │',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
autho2$ db "│ dedicated it to the Public Domain 1991 │",0Dh,0Ah,'$'
instok$ db '╘══╡ Version 2.0 ╞══════════╡ Installed! ╞══╛',0Dh,0Ah,0Ah,'$'
oops$ db '╘═╡ Not Installed! UMBs Managed Already! ╞═╛',0Dh,0Ah,0Ah,'$'
zwetsUMB ends